At In Toto Ed, safeguarding, wellbeing, and mental health are at the heart of everything we do. We have a Mental Health First Aider available to staff and students, and we sign-post where appropriate to the organisations listed below as well as other local services.
If you would like mental health support, we encourage you to speak to your Mental Health First Aider. However, if you need immediate support, would prefer to speak to someone anonymously, or would like more information regarding positive mental health, explore the links below to find the right fit for you.


If you are experiencing a mental health crisis or emergency
tel: 999 (in an emergency)
tel: 111 (choose option 2 for first response mental health support)

If you need help, are worried about a friend, or are struggling to cope
tel: 0800 58 58 58 (5pm to midnight)
web: thecalmzone.net
Heads Together

missing people

Follow all of the above organisations for advice, support, and tips to promote positive mental health.
Need to talk to someone?
If you are worried about something, speak to one of your teachers or a member of the support staff below.